Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Even With Massive Lay-Offs, Workers Ignore This OBVIOUS Opportunity

You have to be living on another planet not to have heard about or been effected by the massive lay off numbers around the world. This article will not only discuss an often ignored obvious option for replacing lost income; it will detail why the time has come for this method of making money.

Laid-Off Workers Need to Expand Their Thinking/Option Immediately!

I have been laid off before, so I know the uncertainty and fear that you are feeling; but I am here to tell you that your attitude or way of viewing things is critical! What I did was spend little to no time in the woe is me phase; and whenever feelings of fear or uncertainty tried to creep in, I consciously redirected my thoughts to how much better my life was going to be without that job! I mean it!

The fact is that if you see it has an opportunity to redirect all of that time that you spent at work; then it is an opportunity! It is exactly what you make it, PERIOD!

First Get Over Everything That You Have Heard or Experienced!

Ok what is the industry that provides a great chance of achieving financial success for anyone with the desire to succeed? This industry provides low to no cost small business opportunities with the potential for unlimited income.

It is the Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketing industry! Now, before your skepticism takes over, you should know that there are now and there always have been good MLM companies with solid financials. This industry is recommended by such forward thinkers as Robert kiyosaki and Donald Trump.

The problem has been the wall of rejection that new MLM business owners face. The old methods of sponsoring/recruiting result in a 95-97% failure rate! Now here is the good news! The current generation of young MLMers have automated the sponsoring process so that prequalified prospects actual pursue you!

I am 47 and was skeptical myself after my old Amway attempt back in the early 90's. Even after I sponsored 20 or so people, the wall of rejection that my team faced prevented good people from succeeding. Back then they would tell you that you don't want it bad enough, or your why is not big enough.

When the truth was that the marketing methods were terrible! Of course they were teaching what they knew; which brings me to this point.

With The Right Marketing SYSTEM; You Will Succeed!

Ok what is a MLM marketing system; and what will it achieve? First of all, it matters not which MLM company you choose, my only advice would be that they are a well known and established company. Here is the deal, whatever company you choose will still teach the same old set of sponsoring/recruiting methods that fail 95-97% of new MLM business owners.

Buying leads, cold calls, flyers, promoting the company site, the 3 foot rule, prospecting in malls, making a list of everyone you know; these methods have a proven track record, 95-97% failure that is a undisputed fact and a good reason not to even try MLM.

So what is the answer? You use a MODERN DAY marketing system that is INTERNET BASED! A system that will generate multiple qualified leads daily and put money in your pocket at the same time! This is what younger big time MLMers are doing. So, if you are still holding on to your old view of Multi Level Marketing you are truly missing out.

This Is A Perfect Opportunity For Recently Laid-Off Workers!

Ok you are laid off, what part of this can't you do? You take a day or two to get familiar with how a online MLM marketing system works; yes you do this before you join any MLM, because remember in the past, the problem with MLM was the sponsoring/recruiting methods; not the product or company; so figure that out first!

Next: if you are laid off, you surely know and want to help others with the same situation. After you figure it out, contact them and help them! This will give you and your associates a fast start; and the marketing system will continually grow every ones businesses online!

What part of that can't you do? None of it! Yes you can, you just have to do what I did; redirect your time and energy to the possible and not the past! I have to end this article, but I hope and pray that it will reach and help someone out there. I know you can do it. You have an endless number of people laid off and seeking a new income. If you go forward intending to help as many people as you can, you will surely win!

Just make sure that you are not operating the old way. Remember 95-97% fail using the above old school marketing methods. You and those that you help need to plug into a modern day marketing funnel.

Whether you take the business advice in this article or not please be sure to take the power of positive thinking advice. You are where you are, where you go from here is up to you. Thank you for reading this and I wish you the best that life has to offer. Feel free to contact me, I look forward to helping anyway I can.

Remember what has happened is done, your reaction means everything. Click below, watch the video and take positive action
