Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Why Multilevel Level Marketing (The Old Way) Is Not The Way To Go

Wake up people everything has changed!

First of all I am not speaking from theory here. I have participated in Multi-Level Marketing in some fashion for approximately 20 years. Let me say up front that MLM is probably the best vehicle for the average person to drastically change their financial circumstances.

Yes, when MLM works it really works. Buts sadly, we know that about 95% of these business owners either don't make it, or they hang around for long periods of time just holding on to the dream. Attending meetings where the top earners refresh the dream for them and anybody that they were able to persuade to attend.

If you are a Multi Level Marketing or Network Marketer, you know exactly what I am talking about.

What Is It That Makes So Many Fail?

It's the sponsoring piece! The sponsoring or recruiting portion of the MLM business is essential for success, but it is also the very thing that sends the average person running soon after finding out that your business is Multi Level Marketing. What about the jokes or snide remarks you hear about MLM businesses from people who have nothing but a job!

Old School Multi Level Sponsoring-

It is unbelievable that even now the same old failing sponsoring techniques are being used. Just the other day my wife and I were approached in a restaurant with the line "that is a really nice sweat suite, where did you get it?" I knew what it was because I did the same thing back in the day. Wow! If you are still doing things like:

Buying lead list and cold calling people-

Making a paper list of everyone you know-

Printing flyers, doing mailings-

Pushing your Multi Level Marketing Company Website-

Attending Hold on to the dream meetings-

Again, I know MLM is crazy good! But the average MLM'er doesn't have a clue on how to Market! There are people building extreme MLM businesses online! This is the way to increase the number of Network and Multi Level Marketing successes.

Truly The Difference Between Success And Failure-

Plan and simply I was able to do more in weeks than I did years of previous sponsoring efforts after discovering the modern way to sponsor. I am now full-time in my MLM business. The gathering of leads and cash to run your business is critical in this business. You have to use the latest techniques to succeed today. People are over loaded with information, offers, spam, bad TV, and so on but at the same time they are looking for a better way.

You have to become the hunted and not the hunter! Yes it can be done; I hope this article helps to open the minds of all the hard working Multi Level Marketing business owners. Honestly ask yourself this, do you have a business or are you just in some bodies group?

The Bottom Line-


Listen, people will do Multi Level Marketing if you can show them a way to succeed with the sponsoring/recruiting aspect of the business. Stop the madness! Get more information at the link below and build a great business. Good Luck.
